Hi, My name is Sonu. I am a 20-year-old college student. I live in Pune with my older brother Raj, age 27, and his wife Sheetal, age 26.

Devar Bhabhi Chudai

My parents died when we were young. Bhaiya had to bear all the hardships, getting a job while studying and taking the role of my parents. He made sure I never felt the loss of my parents and took care of all expenses and needs.Devar Bhabhi Chudai


Bhaiya was not just my older brother, he was my whole world. He was my father and mother and if there was a God, he would be in the image of bhaiya.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

When Bhaiya was 25, my relatives found a match for him. Then he got married to Bhabhi. Bhabhi was very fair. She was 5 feet 9 inches tall, which is a good match for bhaiya’s 6 feet 3 inches. She was well-built and homely. And she had motherly looks just like those bhabhis you see in the Indian serials.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

As for me, I got the short end of the genetic stick and stand at a measly 5 feet 2 inches with a frail physique compared to bhaiya’s tall and well-toned build. To my embarrassment, those who didn’t know us would think I was their child and both of them towered over me.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi coming into our house was a gift from the Gods. She had a calm but jovial light-hearted personality that brightened up the house and more importantly, gave bhaiya a life partner who allowed him to slow down and smile without always feeling like he had to be the older brother with nothing in life except responsibilities.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

He started enjoying life once again with a future to look forward to. Not long after the marriage, bhabhi became pregnant and had a son. Motherhood had a big effect on bhabhi. Her physique changed drastically and it was obvious to anyone that her figure had completely changed. From what looked like 36c before pregnancy, she had grown to about 36dd, primarily due to her lactating.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

We were all overjoyed with the addition of another life into our home which after a long time felt like a full home again. My brother was overjoyed at becoming a father and things couldn’t be any better for him. Unfortunately, his happiness was short-lived as he was notified by his company that he would have to relocate to Dubai for his work.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

He did not want to go or uproot his wife from her hometown, especially now that she had become a new mother. So he decided yet again to sacrifice his happiness and move to Dubai alone so as not to cause any disruption in our lives.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhaiya told me that he was leaving bhabhi and his son in my care and that now was my time to ensure that they were well cared for and lacked nothing in his absence. He said he trusted me to look after them and I promised him I would do my best to care for them.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

So, it was finally my time to grow up and in some little way pay back for all the hardships he had endured in raising me. Little did I know at the time the tragedy that would soon happen to us and change everything.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

A couple of weeks after bhaiya left, bhabhi also made plans to visit her aged parents as they were unable to travel for health reasons. One day, I received a call from Bhabhi’s father informing me that bhabhi had gotten into an accident and was in serious condition. My heart collapsed upon hearing this and for a moment, I was paralyzed, not knowing what to say or do next.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Then I remembered my promise to Bhaiya, got a hold of myself, and immediately told him, I was coming to the hospital. When I arrived there, bhabhi’s father and cousin brother were there. Her mother was at home looking after the baby. I asked them if bhabhi was okay. They said she was in an intensive care unit and waiting for the doctor to come out and give an update.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

We waited there for a few hours after which the doctor came out and spoke to us. He said that she was in critical condition but she would survive. He said that she had lost feelings in her hand and would no longer be able to use them.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

We all went silent as if the earth had stopped spinning. We could not believe what we were hearing. His father started to cry and I consoled him, telling him not to worry and we would figure this out somehow.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

When Bhabhi regained consciousness, we were allowed to go and see her. She didn’t say anything but the tears rolling down her eyes conveyed her emotions.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

We took turns staying at bhabhi’s bedside for a few days until the hospital said she was well enough to be discharged. During this time, I called my brother to break the news and he broke down on the phone crying.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

He was helpless as he could not leave at the risk of losing his job. He told me that he didn’t want to burden me to be a caretaker for bhabhi. But he had no choice. He said that in his absence, I must ensure that she was taken care of.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

I promised bhaiya I would not let him down and that everything would be okay and not to worry. This pacified him. But I knew he was in hell, to be stuck there while this tragedy had happened to his beloved wife. Her father told me he had made all the arrangements to take his daughter to their home where they would take care of her while bhaiya was away.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

I remembered what bhaiya told me about bhabhi returning to our home and that he was leaving her well-being and care with me. And I had promised him I would. I relayed to bhabhi’s father the promise I had made to bhaiya and how upset he would be if his wife could not be taken care of in her husband’s home which was her rightful place after marriage.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Her father said: Beta, I understand. But how will you manage this? You are only 20 years old. And now she is not able to use her hands and on top of that she has a newborn baby. This will be too much for you to manage on your own.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Although what he was saying was not wrong, I could not go back on my promise and disappoint bhaiya.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

So I told him: No matter how challenging it gets, I will make good on my promise. Do not need worry about your daughter. She will get all the care and support she needs.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

continues with the telling of this tragic time in our lives, which started with bhabhi’s accident, leading to paralysis in her arms while bhaiya was abroad for work. These events exposed the hidden lust, depravity, and perversion within not just her closest and dear ones, but also others waiting for a tragedy just like this to take advantage of. Trust gives way to betrayal, devotion gives way to lust, and nothing remains sacred.Devar Bhabhi Chudai


The day had arrived when the doctor decided Sheetal bhabhi was well enough to be discharged and brought back home. We were all relieved to hear that, but you could tell everyone had a look of concern on their faces as well, not knowing what lay ahead, given that bhabhi was no longer able to use her hands.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

We (her father and cousin brother) were in bhabhi’s hospital room waiting for the doctor to show up and talk to us before discharge. But instead, the nurse came in and asked us all to leave. She was in the room with bhabhi for what seemed like 30 minutes before finally coming out.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

This had happened throughout bhabhi’s stay at the hospital. The nurse would keep coming and asking us to leave the room. Every time I asked bhabhi what the nurse was doing, she would hesitantly say that the nurse was just making sure all was okay. I was confused as to why she had to keep checking so frequently and why we had to leave the room.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Anyways, after the nurse was done, the doctor finally showed up. They asked who she was going home with and under whose care she would be in. I told the doctor that bhabhi would be going back to her own home with me and under my care. He asked me where her husband was and I explained that bhaiya was abroad on a work assignment. And we didn’t know when he would be able to return.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

He asked me to come and talk to him in his office alone. I followed him and the nurse came in with us as well although I wasn’t sure why she had to be there.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

The doctor asked me if I had any questions for him, to which I asked when would bhabhi be able to use her hands again. Then he replied that they would start with physiotherapy, once a week for two months and see how it went. If that didn’t work, they would consider surgery. I was happy to hear that there was a chance bhabhi may regain the use of her arms once again.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

The doctor then asked me if I had anyone to help out with bhabhi’s care. I told him for the time being I would be her only caretaker as bhaiya had just started a job abroad and we couldn’t afford to keep a helper. Then somewhat sternly he asked if I had any idea what situation I was in and the challenges that were laying ahead.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Without much thought, I told him whatever struggles arise, we would handle it as a family. He then asked me if I knew why the nurse kept coming into bhabhi’s room and asking us to leave. I shook my head and the nurse said, “You do know your bhabhi is a new mother and the changes that new mothers have to deal with.”Devar Bhabhi Chudai

I thought she meant the changes in bhabhi’s physique after becoming a mother, which was clearly obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes. She had gained some weight, but it had all mostly gone to her chest and behind. Standing at 5 feet 9 in tall, I would have guessed her weight was around 68 kg. She was still not fat by any means but had filled out considerably in her chest, behind and thighs. But physical changes in appearance were not what the doctor was hinting at.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Then I shook my head again and the nurse had to spell it out for me. She said, “Your bhabhi is lactating, she is producing milk. Her child is not with her so she can’t express the milk using her own hands or even operate a breast pump with her hands. That’s why I had to keep coming in and helping her relieve the pressure. This is something she will need help with from now on amongst other things. This is why we are trying to explain to you that you need to hire a caretaker. These aren’t the kind of things you can help your bhabhi with.”Devar Bhabhi Chudai

My face was flushed red, and I went completely silent. I knew I should have known this. But the whole chaos of the accident had completely taken my focus elsewhere and blocked out details such as these, I didn’t know what to say or how to react. All I could say was that I understood now what the doctor was trying to say and assured them I would find professional affordable care as soon as I could.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Both the doctor and nurse were relieved that I finally understood the predicament we were in, and told me to get her belongings and get ready for discharge.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Then the nurse packed bhabhi’s old clothes in a bag and asked us to leave one last time while she helped bhabhi change her clothes. Sitting and waiting on the bench outside bhabhi’s room, knowing the nurse was in there draining bhabhi’s milk engorged boobs was not a thought I wanted to have at the time.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Thankfully the door opened and bhabhi came out. It was so good to see her back up on her feet after so many days. But seeing her disabled limp hands by her sides was disheartening. Nevertheless, I smiled for the sake of bhabhi’s morale.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

The nurse had changed bhabhi into whatever spare clothes they had at the hospital, a blue oversized shirt and black pajamas.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

She even made bhabhi wear a jacket that she had asked me to get from home. That confused me as we were at the peak of summer. The heat and humidity were bad enough without a jacket. But I didn’t question it. If bhabhi was okay with it, then who was I to question it?Devar Bhabhi Chudai

We waited for a bit more for bhabhi’s mother to arrive with the child. But it was now an hour past discharge and she had still not arrived. Not wanting bhabhi to wait in the hospital any longer than needed, I asked bhabhi’s father what was taking so long. He stepped away to make a call to his wife. Upon returning after a few minutes of silence, he said –Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi’s father: Beta, I know we spoke about this and you and your brother are adamant that my daughter stays with you. We don’t agree with your decision. But we won’t stop you. But there are two conditions that you must fulfill.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Me (with a confused look on my face): What are those conditions, Uncle ji?

Bhabhi’s father: One is that you can only take my daughter home once you hire a caretaker. Even if you are there to help, there are things that you cannot help with and more importantly, you should not ever be helping with.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Me: Uncle ji, you will be pleased to know I have already hired a caretaker. So rest assured that bhabhi will be well cared for. What is the second condition? (This was not the full truth. I had looked but was not able to find any caretaker that we could afford. Although I was still in search of one, I had to tell him this half-truth or he would have never agreed to let me take his daughter to her own home).Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi’s father: The second condition is that our granddaughter will stay with us from now on, as it is impossible for her to be cared for while my daughter also needs care. You and your brother’s focus is my daughter’s care as it should be. But at the same time, our granddaughter’s care should not be neglected and we promise you that it will not be neglected under our care.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi with shock on her face said, “Papa, what are you saying? How can you even think of separating my child from me? How can I stay apart from her? She needs her mother more than ever at this age.” (it was obvious bhabhi meant breastfeeding by that.)Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi’s father: Beti, you tell me. Will you be able to tend to her in your condition? Will Sonu be able to care for her properly while he is focused on tending to your care? Is it fair that your daughter should suffer as a result of this tragedy? With us, she will have our full attention and care. As for your motherly duties, beti you speak to your mother about that. I am sure some arrangement can be made (at the time, I wasn’t sure what uncle meant by that, but it became clear as time went on).Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi (with red eyes and tears rolling down her cheeks): Ok, papa. My mind knows what you are saying is right and practical. But my heart refuses to accept it. But I have no choice, but to accept it for her sake.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

There was a moment of silence. I then got up to call a taxi. We bid our farewell to uncle and bhabhi’s cousin brother and got in the taxi.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Me: Bhabhi, I have to tell you something. I know I told Uncle ji that I have already hired a caretaker for you. But the truth is that I have not been able to find anyone I can trust or afford. But I promise I am still looking for one. We will have to manage somehow until I can find someone.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi: Sonu, you said what you had to do at the moment. I don’t hold it against you. Honestly, I know we are under financial stress right now. I know you will find someone when the time and financial conditions are right.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

For the rest of the taxi ride, we were both mostly silent, unsure of what the future was waiting for upon returning home.

es the first struggles encountered upon returning home.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

I paid the taxi driver and helped Bhabhi out of the taxi. Then I led bhabhi to the sofa and took off her shoes and socks. After that, I went to the kitchen to get some water and food for bhabhi. The hospital food was terrible, so she did not have much to eat all day. I had stocked up on bhabhi’s favorite food, butter chicken and garlic naan knowing she would be hungry upon returning home.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

I came back to the living room and fed bhabhi with my own hands. She ate it all up, but she was still hungry. So I got her some more. She couldn’t get enough. I was amazed at how much bhabhi could eat. I guess, the fact that she was a new mother and lactating meant that her calorie intake had increased significantly as well.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Later, I put the dishes away and came back to sit with her on the sofa. We made idle talk, about stocking up on groceries. She asked me all that the doctor discussed with me. Things seemed like they were almost normal again until I saw that bhabhi started to look very pale. She was squirming in her seat. She had a look of anguish and discomfort on her face and sweat beads had started to form on her forehead.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Me: bhabhi, is everything ok? You don’t look well.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi: I am ok Sonu. it’s nothing.

I let it go but after about 15 minutes, her facial anguish and discomfort became even more pronounced, and she was sweating profusely.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

It dawned on me that bhabhi was still in her jacket and that must be what is making her so uncomfortable and sweaty.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Me: Bhabhi, let me help you out of your jacket. You will feel better.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi: No Sonu, leave it be. I am fine. It’s nothing.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Me: It’s obvious you’re not fine, bhabhi. You are sweating a lot and your facial expression clearly shows you’re in discomfort. Please listen to me and let me help you take off the jacket. You’ll feel better.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi realized she couldn’t keep saying no and had to take the jacket off at some point so reluctantly she nodded, giving her approval. Then she stood up and I walked behind and carefully slid the jacket off her arms.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

When I turned around to face bhabhi, my jaw dropped at the sight in front of me. Bhabhi’s hospital provided a light blue cotton shirt with two huge wet spots. The shirt was completely soaked with milk around the area where her nipples were poking through the shirt! Her tits were leaking profusely, so much so that most of the milk was seeping through her bra and onto her blue shirt.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

That was when I realized why the nurse insisted that bhabhi wear a jacket even in this hot humid climate. It was to save bhabhi from the embarrassment in front of all of us.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi looked down at her shirt and noticed the wet spots that I was looking at. And in that moment, the shame of standing there in front of her younger brother-in-law in this indecent state was too much for her to bear. She couldn’t move her arms to cover herself. All she could do was turn around and silently cry.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

I didn’t know what to do, but I had to do something to alleviate her discomfort and stop her from crying. Then I went to my room and got a small hand towel. I got in front of her and started patting the wet spots. Bhabhi pulled back with anger and annoyance on her face.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi: Stop, Sonu! What are you doing!?

Me: I thought this would help, bhabhi. I’m sorry I didn’t know what else to do after seeing you crying.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi: Sonu, you don’t understand anything. Sorry, it’s not your fault, Sonu. I’m just annoyed at my situation.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Tears started forming in her eyes and she said –

Bhabhi: Sonu, this is not a situation either of us should be in. This was never going to be easy and it’s highly inappropriate for you to help me with such issues and for me to ask your help. This is not something a devar should ever need to help his bhabhi with.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Me: Bhabhi, please don’t cry. We will figure out a way together as a family. We have been through difficult situations before, and we’ll get through this as well.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi. There is only one solution, Sonu.

Me: What’s that, bhabhi?

Bhabhi (still with tears rolling down her cheeks): Sonu, please take me to my mother’s place. There she can help me without hesitation, and it will be easier for both you and me as well.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Me: Bhabhi, please don’t say that. It will bring shame to both bhaiya and me that we were not able to care for you when you needed it most. He made me promise that I would take care of your needs at your own home.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi: Did your brother even realize what he is asking you to help with, Sonu? Did he even consider all the things I will need help with now and the situation he is putting us in? What was he thinking making you promise such a thing?Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Me: Bhabhi, if bhaiya has given me this responsibility, then clearly he knows what comes with it and he has full faith and trust in me to handle it. Not everything needs to be put in words. He trusts me like a son and knows you have always been like a mother to me.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi: I don’t know what to do, Sonu. You and your brother have put me in a tough spot. I don’t know how we will manage but right now, I am in unbearable pain. I have not been able to remove the milk since this morning in the hospital and now they are full and hurting.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

It was clearly embarrassing for her to talk about something so private with me, something that she previously would have only spoken about with bhaiya. But the pain and desperation had won over any feelings of shame.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

I couldn’t believe I was standing here talking to my motherly bhabhi about her fully engorged lactating breasts that were leaking uncontrollably. It was not a conversation I ever expected to have with my brother’s wife in a million years.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Me: Bhabhi, you tell me how I can help, and I will do exactly that.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi: There are some blankets in my bedroom drawers. Please go and bring that, Sonu.

Then I went to bhabhi’s room and started opening drawers. I found a drawer with a blanket, a soft thin white one with a dark blue cross hatch pattern.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Me: I got the blanket, bhabhi.

Still with her back to me in an effort to hide the wet spots, bhabhi turned around to face me.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi: Wrap it around my upper body, Sonu.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

I had to lift bhabhi’s hand and reach around wrapping Bhabhi with the blanket. But Bhabhi’s frame was so big, that my hands accidentally touched her breasts through the blue shirt all over the place and briefly even brushed past the wet spots. But we both knew it wasn’t intentional, so no words were exchanged.

Me: Ok, now what, bhabhi?Devar Bhabhi Chudai

She had overcome the embarrassment of what she had to ask me to do next. But the pain from the pressure of her engorged breasts forced her to speak. Then she turned around so that her back was facing me.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi: Sonu, you will have to reach under the blanket, lift my shirt up, unhook the backstrap, and remove my bra.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

I had never unhooked or taken a bra off before. But like all boys, I had imagined doing it someday when I have a girlfriend, but not in a million years did I think my first will be my bhabhi, someone I revered and looked up to not just as an elder but as a motherly figure in my life.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Then I reached under the blanket (near her waist), grabbed the edges of her blue shirt, and lifted it all the way up until they were bunched up around her armpit just above where her cleavage starts. I had seen glimpses of bhabhi’s back before when she wore sarees. But this was different. Her whole back was wet and shiny from all the sweating.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Now in front of me was her cream-colored bra backstrap that needed to be unhooked. I wondered if even bhaiya had ever removed bhabhi’s bra himself during their intimate private moments or did she do it herself? Was I, her much younger brother-in-law, going to be the first male in her life to remove her bra? Would there be others after me?Devar Bhabhi Chudai

With shaking hands, I reached for the hooks. But I struggled to undo them as they were really tight, but kept trying and finally, it came undone. Her bra straps dangled down on her sides. Her bra however remained in place on the front, under the white blanket, refusing to fall down.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Then my bhaiya’s wife turned around facing me once again, frustrated that her bra didn’t fall down even after unhooking from the back. She just looked at me but didn’t say anything, hoping I would know what to do without her having to verbalize it.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

I didn’t need any further instructions. I felt around under the blanket trying to get a grip on her bra to pull it down. But the cotton bra fabric was wrapped so snugly and tight against her breasts that I was unable to grasp and pull it down. It was obvious that her bra was too small for what she was hiding inside them.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

While struggling to get a grasp, my hands touched her breasts through her bra for far longer than was necessary. Then I looked up at bhabhi and saw an annoyance building on her face so I did the only thing that would work without prolonging her agony, which was put my fingers between her bra and breast flesh, get a grasp on her bra, pulled the bra forcefully down underneath the blanket, and out in my hands in one swift motion.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

The moment I pulled her bra down, her massive milk bags flopped all the way down, swaying side to side underneath the blanket like two large milk pendulums, thanking me for finally freeing them. They hung down just above her navel. They were not just bigger than her head, they dwarfed it.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

It was a sight to behold! A sight any man bhabhi knew could have only wished to see her in – whether it be friends or family. Others she knew would have to keep wishing for the chance to see her in this state of indecency someday, at least for now.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Even through the thin white cotton blanket, I could make out the shape of bhabhi’s heavy knockers with huge dark brown areolas and nipples with milk drops forming, visible just past where the blanket ended, and my eyes refused to shift focus. I briefly became motionless with wonder and astonishment.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Each breast was the size of a watermelon, and possibly as heavy. They were fair in color with dark bluish-green veins crisscrossing the surface of each breast. My sister-in-law’s areolas were wide and bumpy and at the center was a long, stiff, and moist funnel-shaped nipple that could gauge an eye out. They looked rugged and worn out, indicating they had regularly been played with and manhandled.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

My mind wondered how all this time, living under the same roof, she had managed to keep these massive jugs hidden. How I had been so oblivious to the enormous size of what she had been walking around the house with for all these years.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

It was always obvious to anyone with eyes that bhabhi was not only a tall thick woman with a large frame. But was also blessed with assets that drew stares from men and women alike, no matter where we went.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Heck, even some of my closest friends in the past had jokingly made crude offensive remarks about her. But this, this was not obvious to those who had only seen her in proper decent attire. I never thought I would get to see bhabhi in this state of indecency and now all I wanted to do was reach forward and grab her heavy-hanging milk bags, hold them, and kiss them. My gaze at her jugs was only broken when I heard Bhabhi calling my name.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Bhabhi: Sonu, you can keep the bra down now and please bring the breast pump the nurse gave me in the morning. It should be in the bag on the dining table.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

I looked down at my hands and indeed, I was still holding her bra. The bra was damp from her leaking milk, and it was big. But clearly no match for those massive beauties they had struggled to contain. I kept the bra down and brought the pump to bhabhi.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

It was a manual pump, consisting of a milk bottle attached to a funnel-shaped flange that attaches to the areola and a handle that needs to be pressed to activate the suction at the flange. She explained how to turn it on and which settings to adjust.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Then bhabhi sat back down on the sofa. As she sat, her magnificently large udders flopped down, sagging past her navel and resting in her lap, her nipples and areolas touching her thighs.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

I moved closer to bhabhi and knelt between her thighs so that her breasts were level with my face. Her nipples were only inches away from her pussy covered by her panty and pajama which was also soaked with milk leaking from her nipples just above them. I wondered how much of the milk had leaked through and gotten inside her panty. Only half of the moist large dark brown nipple was visible, so I had to lift the milk-soaked blanket just enough so that her jutting areolas and nipples were completely unobstructed from view.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Her whole breast had a wet sheen from all the sweating and her nipples continued to leak droplets of milk. Bhabhi smelled strongly of a mixture of sweat and milk. It was unlike anything I had smelled before. It was intoxicating.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Then I tried to push the pump flange against bhabhi’s areolas. But I couldn’t get a good seal around them. I would have to take the part of her boobs around the nipples into my hands and then guide them into the flange. Then I looked up at bhabhi and she just nodded in agony, giving her approval.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

I was able to get a proper seal and started pumping. Jet streams of milk violently started to flow from her nipples, accumulating in the funnel and down into the bottle. I kept at it until the bottle was half full, but the milk flow showed no signs of stopping.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

While pumping, I wondered if bhaiya knew this would be part of the promise to take care of bhabhi?! Surely, he knew we couldn’t afford a caretaker yet, so he must have known, I convinced myself.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

Then I looked up at her innocent tired face only to find that she had dozed off and was snoring ever so lightly. This was obviously a huge pressure relief for bhabhi. I felt really bad for her condition. I wondered why this had to happen to her, why God let this happen to someone so caring, motherly, and good-natured as her.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

But these thoughts were broken by the sight of the other free glistening and leaking dark brown elongated nipple surrounded by large bumpy areolas that were easily 3 inches in diameter.Devar Bhabhi Chudai

I was overcome with impure thoughts and guilt at the same time. My erect penis was telling me to bend down and take the free-leaking nipple into my mouth. But I resisted my dark thoughts. I couldn’t betray bhaiya and bhabhi’s trust in me. They had always treated me like I was their own child.

All I could do was shamefully stare until the milk flow finally stopped on her right breast and I had to move the pump to her left breast. But the bottle was already full, so I got another bottle. After a few minutes, every drop of milk from my sister-in-law’s huge boobs had been drained.

Then I detached the pump from her nipples and went to the kitchen to clean the pump and put the bottles of milk in the fridge. Just as I closed the fridge, I heard sounds coming from the living room. Bhabhi had woken up. I quickly headed toward bhabhi. She was still on the couch with a good part of her massive milk bags splayed out and uncovered by the blanket.

Following my gaze back to her bosom, she saw what I was looking at but didn’t react as I had not only already seen them while pumping, but also held them to attach them to the pump.

A few minutes later, she stood up, turned around so that I couldn’t see her front, and hoped her blue shirt would drop down on its own. But the shirt was still bunched up, showing no sign of dropping down. Instead, the blanket fell off and dropped to the ground. They were a sight to behold. Even from behind, I could see her massive dangling jugs, gently swaying from the sides of her back.

“Sonu, don’t just stand there! Help me!” said bhabhi in an annoyed frustrated tone.

Then I came back to my senses, walked up close behind her, and pulled her blue shirt all the way down. My fingers carelessly brushed past her nipples as I pulled her shirt down to cover them. She sat back down and although she regained her modesty, her nipples were still poking through the bottom quarter of the shirt. But by this time, bhabhi was too tired to notice. She rested on the sofa to catch her breath for a few minutes before speaking to me.

Bhabhi: Sorry Sonu, I didn’t realize I fell asleep. This whole ordeal has been really tiring for me, both physically and mentally. But you never made me feel uneasy or get mad at me when I lost my cool with you. I am sorry I doubted you earlier, I doubted us as a family being able to get through this. I am blessed to have you in my life.

These words from bhabhi meant a lot to me because honestly, seeing her in this indecent state and discovering how big her breasts really are, had filled me with extremely impure thoughts, some of which were telling me to do unholy things to my very own bhabhi, the bhabhi who looked after me like her own child. But hearing these words from her gave me confidence that I could suppress my thoughts. As long as they don’t manifest in actions, I would regret them later. It was ok, it would mean that I was still a good brother, I convinced myself.

Me: It is me who is the lucky one, bhabhi. Not everyone is blessed to have a bhabhi like you. (The moment I said that, I realized what I said could have been taken the wrong way. But I was relieved to see bhabhi didn’t take it that way or maybe she knew, but was just saving me from further embarrassing myself).

Bhabhi: I am tired now, Sonu. I need to go to my bedroom and sleep. It’s late. You should go get some rest as well.

Hearing that, I reached for her bra that I had taken off Bhabhi earlier and walked to her to put it back on her. I figured she would not want to sleep without a bra on as she was lactating.

Bhabhi: Not now Sonu, I can’t stand here and go through this all over again. I am too tired. I just want to sleep now.

After saying that, my brother’s wife started walking to her bedroom. Her dangling braless milk bags jiggled and swayed under her shirt with each step she took. I followed her in case she needed any assistance.

Walking behind her, I noticed how big bhabhi’s buttocks had become post-delivery, two large protruding ass cheeks jiggling wildly under the hospital-provided pajamas. It was almost cartoonish. Her massive boobs protruded in front, her ass protruding in the back, and they were both even more accentuated because of how her limp arms dangled on the sides of her body.

I thought to myself how lucky bhaiya was while he was here. Not only did he have a wife who was supportive and caring, but also with assets any man with a heartbeat would wish to see and play with at least once in their life. He had these to fondle and play with to his heart’s content whenever he wanted.

But would he be able to accept bhabhi in her partially disabled state when he returns? Would her disabled arms have any impact on their private bedroom activities when he returns? Would it diminish his love for her? I would soon come to find out that the answers to these questions were complicated, it wasn’t black or white, but those details, I will share in the next parts. I covered her with a quilt, gave her a good night kiss on her forehead, and closed the light.

As I was walking toward my bedroom, bhabhi’s bra on the sofa caught my eye. I could barely recognize myself anymore. This wasn’t something I would have even thought of doing before and yet, here I was, walking to my room with Bhabhi’s milk-soaked bra in my hand.

I deceived and convinced myself that it was harmless, that this in no way changed my love and respect for her and it doesn’t mean I would let any harm or discomfort come her way. In the end, all that matters was that I fulfilled my promise to bhaiya.

Then I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. But all I could see was the image of my bhabhi in her indecent state that I had witnessed earlier! Even after trying hard, I could not stop these images from coming or stop my penis from becoming rock-hard. I brought her bra next to my face, taking in the intoxicated smell of her milk and sweat-soaked bra with one hand while stoking my penis with the other.

The images of her milk jugs and big round butt fueled my strokes. Just as I was about to cum, I wrapped my penis in my sister-in-law’s bra and finished off. I nodded off shortly after that.

Sometime in the middle of the night, I heard bhabhi calling my name from her room. I hurried to her room to see what was troubling her. She was sitting on the edge of the bed when I got there.

She looked up at me and said, “Sorry Sonu, I need to use the toilet badly. I didn’t want to wake you, but I didn’t know what else to do”. She couldn’t make eye contact with me. She was clearly embarrassed. But had no option but to call for me.


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